Rescue: an Artificial Neural Network tool for helping the NMR spectral assignment of proteins.

1.0 Version Authors: Jean-Luc.Pons, Marc-Andre.Delsuc  (J Biomol NMR (1999) 15, 15-26.)

2.0 Version Authors: Daniel Auguin, Jean-Luc.Pons, Marc-Andre.Delsuc (Auguin et al - in preparation)

Run RESCUE V 1.0 (1H only)...

Run RESCUE V 2.0 (1H & 15N)...

Rescue Version 1.0:


The assignment of the 1H spectrum of a protein or a polypeptide is a prerequisite of the NMR study of the molecule. We present here a computer tool, based on the artificial neural network technology, which tries to extract the nature of the amino acid from the values of the chemical shifts.

Artificial neural networks design:
The artificial neural networks used in this work consist in a classical perceptron design ( 3 layers network with one hidden layer ). in which the input data (chemical shifts) are presented to the input layer, and results (the amino-acid type) are obtained from the output layer. We used an additional fuzzy logic layer in order to code on a constant number of input the set of chemical shifts to analyse.
The analysis is performed in two steps: a first artificial neural network determines in which group a given spin-system falls, then if this group consists of more than one amino-acid, a second independent network, specialised on this group, determines more precisely the amino-acid.

Training process:
The artificial neural network used in this work was trained on a set of chemical shifts extracted from the BioMagResBank (BMRB) database [Seavey, B.R., et al (1991) J. Biomol. NMR, 1, 217-236]. In this database 1H chemical shifts are referenced to TSP or DSS, and no corrections for reference, pH or temperature bias were applied.
Many BMRB entries were rejected for the training set: (proteins or peptides not fully assigned, proteins with paramagnetic centre, homologeous proteins...). This set contains 142 different proteins and was used as a training set when building the artificial neural network.

Test step:
The BMRB was used to realise the test procedures of the artificial neural network studied, with the condition that entries used for training were not used in the test phase. Tests were made on a total of 8037 assigned amino acid entries. RESCUE presents a mean rate of success above 90% on the test set

The difference between the actual output vector and the ideal vector for this target  is used to evaluate the reliability of the answer. The program computes the quantity pt(O):

were  is the variance of the ith element of the output vector as observed when evaluating the neural network output for all the amino-acid t of the test set, and Rt is the rate of success observed for this amino-acid. The output vector issued to the user, as well as the quantity p(O) expressed in percents.

This program has been called RESCUE for RESidue prediCtion with neUral nEtworks.and has been used for helping manual assignment of peptides and proteins, and can also be used as a step in an automated approach to assignment.

Rescue Version 2.0:

RESCUE v 2.0  is optimized in order to predict the amino-acid type from the 15N, HN, Halpha and Hbeta chemical shifts (3D 15N TOCSY- HSQC).
It was  designed in the same way than Rescue V 1.0 (perceptron design with 3 layer network, training process, test step and reliability are identical as Rescue V1.0)
Rescue V 2.0 present a mean rate of success above 77.2% on the test set.

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