Version 1,0
A Program for NMR Relaxation Calculation
Copyright : M.A.Delsuc, T.E. Malliavin
Centre de Biochimie Structurale
Faculté de Pharmacie
Version 1.0
This program has been developed in Montpellier with the help of Marc-André Delsuc and Jean-Luc Pons. Please contact :
T.E. Malliavin
Centre de Biochimie Structurale
Faculté de Pharmacie,
15 avenue Charles Flahault
34060 Montpellier Cedex FRANCE.
E-Mail : (Internet)
Tel : (33) 67 04 34 36 (In case of emergency)
The program currently runs on HP workstations. The graphics can be displayed
on X-Windows terminals.
This version V1.0 is not stabilised yet, this distribution is still a beta
version. This version is distributed under a licence. There is no fees for
academic laboratories, however the licence requires that you refer to Crowd in
any published work which depend in some manner on the Crowd program.
This program can be downloaded by anonymous FTP on Internet, the home site is
the following address :
*Availability of several motion models: isotropic-rigid, Lipari-Szabo, local
correlation time models.
*Aptitude to read free-format coordinate files.
*Aptitude to define hydrogen CH2 and methyl group, by residu name, and group
atom names. This allows calculation on various kind of biomolecules: proteins,
DNA, RNA, glycoproteins...
*implementation of the algorithms proposed in the MARDIGRAS and IRMA programs.
*Interactive commands for beginners as well as fast entry mode for advanced
*Complete on-line HELP.
*Comprehensive manual.
*Versatile command parser which permits to build macro commands with alias,
tests, local and global variables, loops, graphic interaction and display
capabilities, support for data-bases and associative arrays.
*graphical interface completely modifiable and definable by the user.
*Possibility to run in interactive mode as well as Batch mode (display less).
*The operating system is fully available from Crowd.
You enter the program by typing crowd on your favourite system (don't
panic, just type EXIT to get out of it!) . The program should give you a short
greeting, the size of the static buffers, and then respond in the text window
with the prompt :
If every thing as been set up correctly, you should also see a horizontal menu
bar showing off. To get the graphics, you should make sure that the environment
variable DISPLAY has been correctly set to point on your current terminal (with
the command setenv DISPLAY when running UNIX). If no X display is available,
Crowd will tell you that no graphic will be available, but will start correctly
The other method consists in hitting a button in the graphic interface. The
graphic interface consists in sets of related commands, arranged in vertical
button boxes, each such boxes being called by clicking the associated button in
the menu bar. Each button box can be opened and closed at will.
The two methods are strictly equivalent, graphic buttons are internally
associated to commands (or list of commands). One day, you will eventually
learn how to do your own buttons.
Graphic windows can be closed at any time, simply by clicking on their
Crowd> HELP
at the prompt level will give you the same message. The command HELP is here in
uppercase, it can actually be entered also in lowercase, or even in a mixture
of upper and lower case letters. In the whole manual, we will use the rule that
every built-in Crowd command is given in uppercase. Macros, however have to be
typed exactly as defined (this is due to the UNIX file-system), they will
always appear in the manual as lower case.
Crowd> HULP
will give you an error message, since there is no command nor macro named hulp
(at least on the distribution kit)!
The HELP command can also be used with a parameter :
Crowd> HELP timer
Some command may require one or several parameters, you will be prompted for
such parameters, either in graphic dialogue boxes if the command was entered
from a menu, or at the text terminal if the command was typed from it. When
entering the prompt level, it is also possible to put the parameter directly
after the command on the same line.
For instance, let us try the TAUC command which permits to define the molecule
global correlation time.
Crowd> TAUC
will prompt you for the global correlation time value currently defined, just
typing return will leave the value unchanged.
Crowd> TAUC 5.0
Will set the current global correlation time value to 5.0 nsec.
On the other hand, clicking on the Tauc button, in the Param
menu will pop-up a dialogue box which realises the same thing.
However it is completely optional, and Crowd can work without any menu bar
(even without any graphic window !), or with a completely different graphic
This user interface is actually quite easy to modify (see below in the manuel)
so if you are really lacking a function in the user interface, just add it !
The environment macros are found in the /usr/local/crowd/macro directory.
If a menu is buried below other windows, clicking on the menu name will pop
the menu again.
If the graphic is missing, try typing the following command basic_menu.g,
which executes the macro which loads the default menu-bar, from which you can
add all the specific menus.
Entries followed by 3 dots (...) indicates that some input will be asked to the
user by the command.
This button is equivalent to the HELP command without parameter.
This button is equivalent to the HELP command with a parameter.
This button is equivalent to the apropos macro.
This button is equivalent to the CONFIG command.
This button is equivalent to the QUIT N command.
This button is equivalent to the ADDTYP command.
This button is equivalent to the DELTYP command.
This button is equivalent to the LSTTYP command.
This button is equivalent to the INITYP command.
This button is equivalent to the ADDSEQ command.
This button is equivalent to the DELSEQ command.
This button is equivalent to the LSTSEQ command.
This button is equivalent to the INISEQ command.
This button is equivalent to the NB_RES command.
This button is equivalent to the ADDCRD command.
This button is equivalent to the DELCRD command.
Equivalent to the LSTCRD command.
Equivalent to the INICRD command.
Equivalent to the rdpdb.g macro.
This button is equivalent to the WRIBLDP command.
This button is equivalent to the PENTE command.
A good example of the distinction between a context and a regular command is
given by the context OMEGA which defines the default value used for hydrogen
resonance frequency, as compared to the related CREL_NOESY command which
calculates the NOESY relaxation rates from the inter-atomic distances, using
the hydrogen resonance frequency defined by the command OMEGA.
Most of the behaviour of the program depends on these internal parameters
(contexts). Another example of a context is MOTION_MODEL which describes the
kind of motion model used for spectral density function calculations. The
effect of the command CREL_NOESY depends also on the state of the context
Most contexts have associated Crowd variables which permits to evaluate its
value during macro execution. See the chapter on variables for details.
Commands can be issued alone, in which case, the command will prompt you for
all the values it needs, proposing default ones. Default values may be kept by
hitting the <enter> key, or may be changed by typing new ones. You can
also type the parameters on the same line than the command; the effect is then
immediate. When using in-line entry, the different items will be separated by
Several commands can even be typed on a single line, separated with a blank.
For instance, you could either type :
Crowd> TAUC 3.0
or, on a single line :
The effect would be the same.
molecule residus (RES): res(szres)
atom coordinates (CRD) : crd(szat)
inter-atomic distances (DST): dst(szmat)
relaxation rates (RATE): rateh(szmat)
theoretical intensities (INT): inttheo(szmat)
mixing times (TMIX): tm(sztm)
experimental intensities (INTE): intexp(szmat)
internal correlation times (TAU): tau(szmat)
order parameters (S2): s2(szmat)
where szres is the maximum number of molecule residus, szat is the maximum
number of atoms and szmat = szat*(szat+1)/2. The current szat, szres and sztm
values are given by the command CONFIG.
The other arrays are used for handling chained list, and as working arrays for
matrix diagonalisation.
MESSAGE is used in macro, it is equivalent to PRINT, except that the string
will be output to the user only if no parameters are available on the call
line. It is thus nearly equivalent to
if (!$arg) PRINT text
However, it is different in the sense that the string will be presented in the
graphic dialogue box when the macro is called from a menu button.
Crowd> sh "ls -l /usr/data"
You can also type SH alone, this has the effect of creating a sub process at
the operating system level (csh is used ), you then get back to Crowd by loging
out ( ^D on UNIX).
Using SH, several macros have been created that mimic UNIX : more, rm, ls, vi,
pwd, etc... There are also two special editing command : vip will edit in your
$HOME/macro directory, and vim in /usr/local/crowda/macro
sh 'cd dir'
which actually creates a sub-process which executes cd, thus having no effect
on the current job.
*literal are as typed:
*literal string are enclosed within single (') or double(") quotes:
'a string' or "another string" or "yet an'other valid string"
*The special character % (to be used only as a parameter for a
command) takes the place of the default value of the command:
*The special string %% takes the place of the whole series of all the
default values of the remaining parameters of the command :
ADDCRD HA % % % % and ADDCRD HA %% are equivalent
*variables are substituted before use (more about this later):
*expressions, enclosed within parentheses, are evaluated before use (more about
this later) :
( 2*(cos(3) + 1))
*any of the preceding syntaxes may be preceded with a < symbol. In which
case the input is interpreted as a file name, and the parameters takes the
value of the next line read in the file (if already OPENed). A complete line is
read at each time.
Each of these syntax can be used in any places; however, a single word cannot
match a series of words :
These are valid syntax :
tauc $x ; define the global correlation
; time as the variable $x value.
tauc (%+3) ; add 3.0 to the global tauc value
omega (2*$y +1) ; define the hydrogen freq as the ; (2*$y+1) value
set cmd = 'tauc' $cmd 0.5 ; perform tauc 0.5
wr_int ("/usr" // $user // $exp) 0.1 Title ; write an ; intensity file
("add" // "CRD") ; execute the command ADDCRD
set f = test open $f tauc <$f ; set the global coorelation to the value
; found in file called test
These are invalid syntax :
set corr = 'tauc 3.0' $tauc
a single word (here 'tauc 0.5') cannot be used to match several words
TAUC 1+2
the parenthesis are needed for expression to be evaluated
A line cannot be longer than 256 characters, otherwise the end the line will
be lost. If a longer line is needed, a continuation sign is available : \
Crowd> print 'A line cannot be very long' print \
\Crowd> 'But can be continued' print 'as many time as you wish'
You can put as many continuation sign as you want, however, these signs are
considered as "word", so they should be blank separated, and cannot be used
within evaluated expressions (see below).
Crowd> set b = 'hello world' set c = 3
Crowd> set d := 'hello mom' ; other syntax, see below
Variables are then just used by prefixing the name with a $ :
Crowd> tauc $c print $b
Variables can be used anywhere a regular entry is needed. Variables are not
typed, but contain always a string. The maximum string is currently of 256
characters. The string is interpreted as a number when needed. Variable names
are not case sensitive, the name is a maximum of 31 characters long; and must
be built from purely alpha-numeric characters only (including the underscore :
_ ). The number of available variables is limited at compile time (and reported
by the command CONFIG, and variable $VAR_MAX (see below)), but a larger table
can easily be built by recompilation if needed.
Associative arrays can be built using the construction [index] :
Crowd> set d[$k] = (cos($k/10))
Associative arrays means that each entry is created when needed, entries do
not have to be sequential, and the index does not even have to be integer
$d[1] ; $d[3] ; $d[$z] ; $d['foo bar']
is a valid array. Associative arrays are coming from the standard UNIX program
awk, search for a manual of this program if you some help with associative
arrays. The function nextlm() permits to go through all the entries of a given
array (see below).
Variables are allocated the first time they are set; referencing a variable
not yet allocated generate an error. Variable are automatically deallocated
when exiting the macro; they cannot be accessed by any other macros that would
be executed during the life of the variable. In other words, variables have
local scope, and are volatile (dynamically allocated and removed).
Variables created at interactive level (not within a macro) have a special
treatment : their life will be as long as the program (unless an UNSET command
is explicitly used), and they can be accessed by any other macro : they are
static and have global scope.
If you which to create such a static variable from a macro (useful to remember
parameters from one call to the other), you can use the following syntax
set d := 'this variable is static'
If d was already declared as volatile previously in the macro, the
preceding command has the effect of creating a new variable, called d, but in
the static storage, independent of the volatile d.
SET varname = value ; set (and create if needed) the variable
SET var2 = value ; create and set a global variable
UNSET varname ; remove the variable from the table
MUNSET list of vars finishing with a *
; removes all the variables in the list.
DUMP ; dump the content of all currently defined
; variables
The format of the DUMP is : name of the variable ; context of the variable :
(20 is static, 21 to 29 are macro call levels) ; content of the variable.
Using DUMP you will find that there might be entries in the variable table
that do not correspond to user variables. This is due to the fact that the
parser uses this table for particular use (dbm arrays, positions of label,
location of WHILE, FOR controls). This entries have different formats from the
user variables, thus cannot be mistaken with them. Some of these entries holds
binary data that might disturb the terminal when using the DUMP command.
$_ value of the next parameter present on the calling line. CANNOT BE USED
if the following command is used :
@test 3 test.001
within the file test, $_ will be 3 the first time and test.001 the second
If no value is present on the calling line, the user will be prompted for the
$ARG True (1) if arguments are present on the calling line (within macro
$CONFIG_OS The system type, as returned by the CONFIG command
$CONFIG_WIN The window manager, as returned by the CONFIG command
$DNOE the mean error between theoretical and experimental intensities.
$LEVEL the intensity threshold.
$LICENCE The licence as returned by the CONFIG command
$MOTION_MODEL the value of the motion model identificator.
$NB_RES the number of residus
$NB_SPIN the number of spins
$NB_TMIX the number of mixing times
$NBTYP_RES the number of residu types.
$OMEGA the hydrogen resonance frequency.
$RANDOM a random variable in the range 0..1 with equiprobable distribution
$RANDOMG a random variable with normal law, unit variance and zero mean
$RANDOMZ same as $RANDOM but resets the random series
$RFACTD the distance R-factor value between theoretical and experimental
$RFACTI the intensity R-factor value between theoretical and experimental
$SEQ[$i] the ith residu name in the molecule sequence.
$SZAT maximum number of places in the atom chained list.
$SZRES maximum number of residus in molecular sequence.
$SZTM maximum number of mixing times.
$SZTYP maximum number of places in the atom type chained list.
$TAUC the global correlation time.
$THETA the spin-lock nutation angle.
$TMIX[$i] the ith mixing time value.
$VAR_MAX The total number of user variable available, as returned by the CONFIG
$VERSION The current version, as returned by the CONFIG command
In Crowd, such a dbm data-base is accesses through a binding to an associative
array. Each entry of the data-base appear as a element of the array. Reading,
storing and modifying entries is performed by fetching and assigning array
values. The access key of the entry in the dbm file appears as the index of the
associative array, and the content appears as the value of the associative
array. Due to internal Crowd limitation, only key up to 31 characters and entry
up to 256 characters can be handled.
dbopen array_name file_name
will associate a pseudo associative array with the dbm files of base name :
file_name. The file is created if it does not exist yet. No actual
variable array_name is created, but each operation on it is performed on
the dbm file.
DBCLOSE closes the file and forget about the array array_name .
The functions dbm() and nextlm() permits to handle the dbm file in macro
( 2*(5-1)) (cos($i)) are examples of expressions. Expressions can be used
whenever a Crowd input is needed (command as well as parameters). Expressions
must fit on one line (i.e. 256 characters long), continuation mark cannot be
used within expressions.
Values can be numeric, string or logical. Strings should be enclosed within
'..' or "..". Logicals are stored as 0 for false and 1 for true (or any
non-zero value).
* the regular 4 operations : + - / * e.g. : (2*3 - 1)
* the modulo function : % (12 % 5)
* the power ^ operator (3^2.1)
* the regular mathematical functions : sqrt(x) cos(x) sin (x) atan(x) log(x)
exp(x) abs(x) int(x) max(x,y) min(x,y)
* the special function power2(n) will have the value of the closest power of 2
below or equal to the number n : power2(130) will be 128 (=2[7])
* the concatenation operator : ( 'string1' // "string2" )
* the formatting operator : ; equivalent to // ' ' //
("Value is:" ; $a) is equivalent to ("Value is:" ; // ' ' // $a)
* the alphanumeric operators :
toupper(st) put string in upper case
tolower(st) put string in lower case
sp(i) generates a string of i blanks
len(st) is the length of the string
index(st1,st2) is the position of st2 located in st1, 0 if not present
subst(st,i,j) is the substring from st, starting at i, ending at j
head(st) will be the first word in string st (blank separated)
tail(st) will be the string st but the first word.
headx(st,c) and tailx(st,c) are equivalent to head and tail but
the character c is used rather than blank.
* the numeral comparison operators : == != < > <= and >= for
comparing numbers : ($x<=0.5)
* the string comparison s= (equal) and s! (different) for comparing strings :
($s s= 'name')
* the logical operators : | (or) and & (and) : (($x<=0.5)&($s s=
* the not operation : ! : (!($i==1)) (!$arg)
* the function eof(file_name) will be true if the last input from file
file_name (with <file_name) had reached the end of the file, will be false
* the function exist(var_name) will be true if var_name is a user variable
either local or global
* the function dbm(array_name) is true if array_name is bound to a dbm file
with the DBOPEN command
* the next element function : nextlm. If i is an entry in the associative array
$array, the construction nextlm(array,i) will have the value of the next
available entry. The end of the array is notified with an empty string. The
series is also initialised with an empty string. The series is gone through in
the internal order which is not related neither to the input order nor the
sequential order. For instance the following macro will print all the entries
of the array $table :
set $index = (nextlm('table',' '))
while ($index s! ' ')
print ($index // ' : ' // $table[$index])
set $index = (nextlm('table',$index))
Check also the macro tunset, which permits to remove all the entries of an
When evaluating expressions, all the internal computations are not typed and
performed on strings. This permits to mix integer and string freely. Thus the
following expressions are perfectly valid :
( cos(1) // 'a string' // ($i==1))
( toupper($file // ($i+1)) )
( log ('0.1') )
Crowd> @file_name
or simply
Crowd> file_name
In UNIX the macro name is the file name, sometime names with a .g extension
are chosen. Any characters (but the blank) can be used in macro name, so
../test/my_macro or /usr/local/gifa/macro/startup.g is a valid name.
A macro consists of a series of regular Crowd commands used as in the
interactive mode. Up to 9 recursive calls may be nested (i.e. you can call a
macro from within a macro, down to 9 nested levels). The macro execution can
always be stopped with the ^C command.
When calling a macro, the file is first searched in the current working
directory. If the file is not found, it is then searched in the macro
sub-directory of the home directory of the user ($HOME/macro in UNIX).
If it is still not found, it is searched in the standard directory :
/usr/local/crowd/macro in UNIX.
This is reminiscent with the notion of path in UNIX. This permits to
build a library of macros, available for every Crowd user, as well as a set of
commands personal to each user and to each project.
When the Crowd program is first entered, it tries to execute the macro file
called : startup.g, the file is searched in the directory as any regular macro.
Thus you can easily set-up you own environment. For instance your startup.g
file (in your home directory, or in your working directory) may look like :
...any personal set-up
/usr/local/crowd/macro/startup.g ; to be sure to have general set-up
You will find a comprehensive library of such macros in the
/usr/local/crowd/macro sub-directory of the distribution kit.
The following commands are available for efficient command programming:
FOR var_name = initial TO final { STEP step}
.. some Crowd code
This construction permits to write loops. The variable called var_name,
will be created local to the macro if it does not yet exist, set to the value
initial, and incremented by 1 for each loop. The increment can be
different from 1 (but always numeric) with the optional field STEP step.
step can even be negative, in which case the variable will be
decremented. In any case, the test performed to determine whether the loop is
finished or not is (var_name > final) if step is positive
or (var_name < final) if step is negative.
WHILE some_value_to_be_evaluated
.. some Crowd code
The Crowd code will executed as long as some_value_to_be_evaluated is
true (is non zero). The value to be evaluated can be a variable or a complex
evaluated expression into parentheses.
The IF command has two distinctive syntaxes : a one-line IF without possible
nesting nor else; and a complete IF .. THEN construct with ELSIF and ELSE
The multi-line IF is as follow :
IF test THEN
..commands on several lines
{ ELSIF test2 THEN
..commands } (eventually many exclusive tests )
{ ELSE (default case)
..commands }
The different commands will executed conditionally on the value of the tests.
Any non-zero value is considered as true. If may be nested, with no limit on
the number of nesting.
The one-line IF is as follow :
IF logical_value ...remaining of the line ...
All the commands on the remaining of the command line are executed only if
logical_value holds true (is non-zero).
examples :
IF ($X =< 0) GOTO SKIP
print 'Hello' IF ($TAUC == 1) set x = ($x+1)
IF (!eof(input)) print 'Still reading the file' \
set line = (%+1) \
IF ($line<$linemax) goto continue
tests to be used are described in the "evaluated expression" paragraph.
GOTO label
will redirect the execution of the macro to the symbol =label appearing
somewhere else in the file.
...any kind of processing...
goto loop
GOTO should not be used to jump into FOR or WHILE loops, nor into IF .. THEN
structures, Unpredictable execution will occur.
All these commands may freely nested. However, except for GOTO and the
one-line IF, these commands (FOR, ENDFOR, WHILE, ENDWHILE, =label) should
appear alone on one line, with no code preceding nor following the command (or
the label), but eventually followed by a comment.
In Progress : 0%....25%....50%....75%....100%
with a dot every 1/2O[th] of the process
INITINPROGRESS tells Crowd how many iterations are to go, INPROGRESS actually
does the display. INPROGRESS can be called at any rate, there is no need to do
arithmetic to call INPROGRESS.
It is to note that, for a clean result, no terminal output should be performed
Example :
set max = 1000
initinprogress $max
for i = 1 to $max
... do something
inprogress $i
* if a command misses a parameter, the user will be prompt for it, even if the
macro is called deep in a nested loop. The user will be prompted with the
current value. e.g.
print 'Enter new size' chsize
(actually the message is not really needed, since the command CHSIZE will issue
If the macro is called from the graphic interface (with BUTTONBOX), either
directly or indirectly called, a dialogue box will be used to prompt the user
for the value, the message from the command (here chsize) will be in the
dialogue box.
* by the same token, it is possible to assign the input into a variable :
set b = 10 print 'Enter new value' set b =
The user here will be prompted with the value 10 as default for b.
The command MESSAGE permits to put the message in the dialogue box if the macro
is called from a menu button, and on the terminal if called from the prompt.
Thus this is a better construct :
set b = 10 message 'Enter new value' set b =
* The ALERT command permits to build alert boxes, and BUTTONBOX and FORMBOX
permit to build more sophisticate graphic interfaces.
For instance, if the file test_arg is as follow :
; to test argument passing
print $_
set b = $_ print (2*$b)
set c = $_
the following call
test_arg hello 3
will produce the following output
and will prompt for the value to be applied to c. Thus $_ can be used to both
the command line or the user, much in the same way as regular Crowd commands
do. It is even possible to have an optional message, depending whether there is
a parameter available or not, with the variable $arg :
if (!$arg) print 'Enter new value'
set b = $_
The MESSAGE command, has similar built-in mechanism, the string is sent to the
user only if no parameters are available on the calling line. But it is better
to use the MESSAGE command, since the message will then go to a dialogue box if
the macro is called from the graphic interface.
message 'Enter new value'
set b = $_
sh 'more text_file' ; UNIX
A more useful example: write a PDB file using the current atom coordinates.
if (!$arg) print "PDB Output Filename ?"
set outfile = $_
sh ('rm tmp')
connect tmp
for $i = 1 to $nb_res
lstcrd $i
sh ('awk -f mkpdb.awk tmp > '//$outfil)
sh ('rm tmp')
Here is a small (silly) interactive example :
; to compute the square root of a given number
sh 'more intro.txt' ; some greeting message'
set i = 1 ;i should be set here for the following test to work!
while ($i <> 0)
print 'Enter your number (0 to end)'
set i = 0 ; pre-set the value and ask for it
set i =
if ($i>0) then
print ('Square root of';$i;'is';sqrt($i))
elsif ($i<0) then
print 'No real square root !'
For speed consideration it is always better, when working on a large macro, to
make a small file for a very repetitive piece of work and call it. The looping
as well as the parsing may get slow on a large file. It is also slightly faster
to call a macro with the @file syntax.
Any legal command can be used to be associated with a given button, a built-in
command as well as a macro, and will be executed as if entered form the
terminal. So the WHILE, FOR, IF .. THEN, GOTO commands are not available but
the IF .. any_command syntax is valid. The action of the command in
independent from the way it is called, except for the user prompting for
values, which is performed with dialogue boxes in the case of a command called
from a button.
Example given :
BUTTONBOX "my first menu" \
Hello "print 'Hello World'" \
separator \
Omega omega \
"Test Omega" "if ($omega == 600) print 'We are at 600 MHz'" \
Note :
* How the command should on a single line, but how the continuation sign (\)
can be used
* How the quotes are needed only to isolate field with blanks in it, for button
names as well as commands (Hello Omega)
* How single and double quotes can be mixed to build composite commands
* How the on-line IF can be used (Test Omega)
The command CLOSEBOX closes the menu bar and all the associated menus. It is
equivalent to closing the menu bar from the close box.
message "Enter new correlation time" set newtauc := $_
will react as follow :
nothing will appear if called with a parameter :
example 3
the user will be prompted if called without parameters :
the user will be prompted in a dialogue box if the macro is called without
parameters from a menu button.
In any case, this is independent of the way the macro is actually called,
either directly or from within another macro.
DIALOGBOX permits to build sophisticated dialogue boxes, several fields can be
built into the dialogue box, that the user has to fill-up. Each filed is
internally associated to a Crowd variable, that the remain of the macro
processes. The command appears as follow :
DIALOGBOX [series of entry] *
Each entry consists of a name, that appears as such in the dialogue box, and
of a type for the field. Types can be : message, string, int, real, file,
message type consists of a string that is displayed on the form and
permits to put text in it.
The others type of field have two other entries which give the name of the
associated variable and its default value. These types correspond to editable
fields that the user has to fill-up. string, int, real correspond to
string, real values or integer values respectively; file corresponds to
a file-name entry, and presents a small additional button in the dialogue box,
which permits to pop-up a standard Motif file selection box.
The last type : enum realises a pop-up menu, for an enumerated choice.
It needs an additional entry which described the list of choice. Example given
Dialogbox "my first dialogue" \
"Enter below the file name to work on" message \
"Enter file name" file var_file $name \
separator \
"Action to apply" enum "rd_pdb,wr_pdb" var_act % \
$var_act $var_file
This macro will build a dialogue box with 2 editable entries : (filename and
action) and will apply the action to the selected file if the user clicks on
Note :
* How the command should on a single line, but how the continuation sign (\)
can be used
* The separator special field which builds a thin line in the dialogue box
* How the enumerated list is comma separated
* How the default value can be anything, here a Crowd internal variable
($name), and the default prompted value (%). In this last case, the default
prompted value will be the value of the variable itself if the variable exists
before the dialogue is built. If this is not the case, it will be the first
entry for enum, 0 or real and int and the empty string for
string and file.
* How the returned values are usual variables, and can be used for anything
(here even as Crowd commands)
FORMBOX is the static version of DIALOGBOX. It builds a form that will remain
after the completion of the command (as BUTTONBOX does) and will survive as
long as the user does not explicitly closes it. FORMBOX needs an additional
field (the callback) which describe the Crowd command to be executed when the
user clicks on the Ok or Apply buttons. Apart from this, the definition of
FORMBOX is strictly equivalent to that of DIALOGBOX. If not global, a variable
associated to a field in a FORMBOX is local to the FORMBOX, and cannot be
accessed in any other macros but the callback line. Example given :
Formbox "my first Form" \
"print ('Hello';$y_name) print ('today it is';$the_wet) " \
"Enter informations below" message \
"Your name : " string y_name "unknown" \
"The weather today :" \
enum "Sunny,Rainy,Cold,Stormy,Terrible" the_wet % \
Note :
* How the form variables can be used in the callback, in expression, as
parameters for other commands
* Check other points in DIALOGBOX and BUTTONBOX
Typical error conditions are :
* unknown command *wrong parameter for a command (e.g. TAUC -1; MOTION_MODEL 4
etc.. ). * A impossible read or write command is tried (e.g. rd_pdb DATA.001
and DATA.001 does not exist). * mistyping a parameter (e.g. OMEGA 600,0 instead
of 600.0 ), * a ^C was typed by the user, * an ERROR command was issued.
If the error occurs when the command was executed from a menu button, a alert
box will be displayed.
The Crowd program is a program designed for the NMR relaxation intensity
simulation (nOe, rOe,...) and the iterative inter-atomic distance calculation
using the experimental NMR intensities. The program was built using the Gifa
command parsor and internal langage. Thus, as in Gifa, a complete macro
language permits to builds sophisticated processing. The Graphic User Interface
is fully designable and programmable by the user.
Classical processing includes :
*Manipulating the differents NMR relaxation objects (coordinates, distances,
relaxation rates, ...) by a set of modular ommands.
A Complete set of Macro including:
*simulation of nOe, rOe and off-resonance ROESY intensities from a free-format
coordinate file.
The User Interface is characterised by :
*Most command are available through a graphic interface
Entering the program
First insure that the program have been correctly installed from the
distribution kit, contact your system manager or your local expert.
Principe of operation
There are two ways of issuing commands to Crowd. The first one is to type
commands directly in the text window, at the prompt level. Such commands are of
two kinds, built-in commands, directly executed by Crowd, and macros, which are
command files written in the Crowd command language. From the user level, there
is little difference between the two kind of commands.
Entering Parameters
You are now ready to enter your first command. If you hit the About CROWD
button in the File button box (the box will show off if you hit
the File button in the menu bar), you will get a short introduction.
The standard graphic interface is characterised by a set of menus, button
boxes, and dialogue boxes used for graphic user interaction.
Menu Set-up
The basic-menu graphic user interface is installed in the standard start-up
procedure. It is installed whenever the startup.g macro is executed. This macro
loads the basic environment.
Basic environment
The following menus are usually present whenever the graphic interface is
activated, they are independent from the kind or work currently in progress.
Info menu
This menu holds the basic commands for getting informations on the program,
and quitting the program.
Will print introduction text, giving the some ideas on the Crowd program, as
well as some hints on how getting more information or help.
Will prompt you for a command/macro name and will display the help associated
with that command/macro.
Will prompt you for a word, and will show the name of all the commands/macros
that have this word in their help file (case insensitive).
This button launches the Mosaic program, with an hyper-text version of the
current manual.
Will give all the details on the internal configuration of the program. You
will have information on the current version number and the licence of the
program, as on the static buffer sizes. These values are hard-wired in the
program at compile time.
bug report
Permits to edit and mail to me ( a bug report.
Will quit the Crowd program loosing all data in memory not saved with the
output commands, and removing the journaling file. If you want to keep the
journaling file (a file called crowd.log in your home directory, which holds
all the command issued during the Crowd session), you will have to type in the
QUIT command directly.
Topology menu
This menu permit to manipukate the spin types, which are implemented into the
program as a chained list for each diffrent residu.
Will add a spin type to the spin type chained list. For spin group of
equivalent atoms, the name given to the spin will be the name of the first atom
in the group, where the first character will be replaced by a 'Q'.
Will remove a spin type to the spin type chained list.
Will list the atom type defined in a given residu name.
Will initialize the atom type chained list.
...XPLOR amino acids
Will add a menu permitting definition of XPLOR amino acid hydrogen type (file
... XPLOR nucleotides
Will add a menu permitting definition of XPLOR nucleotide hydrogen type (file
... Unix
Will add a menu permitting Unix-like commands.
Molecule menu
This menu holds the commands permitting to handle a molecule (residus and
coordinates). The molecule residus are defined as an array, the molecule
coordinates as a chained list.
Define res...
Will permit you to define the residu name of a given residu number.
Delete res....
Will undefine the residu name for a given residu number (the residu name is
set to 'UNK')
List res
Will list the molecule sequence
Initialize res
Will undefine the residu name, whose the number is smaller than the number of
residus. The undefined residu name is set to 'UNK'.
Number of residus...
This button will permit you define the number of residus in the molecule.
Define crd...
Will permit you to add an atom to the atom chained list, and to define its
type and its (X,Y,Z) coordinates.
Delete crd...
Will permit you to remove an atom from the atom chained list.
List crd...
This button will list the atom names, types and coordinates of a given residu
Initialize crd
This button will initialize the coordinate chained list.
Read PDB File...
This button will read a PDB free-format file.
Param menu
This menu holds all the commands defining parameters and experimental
intensities used in intensity simulation iterative distance calculation.
Motion model...
Define the motional model used during the relaxation calculation. This button
is equivalent to the MOTION_MODEL command.
Define the molecule global correlation time. Equivalent to the TAUC
Internal motion parameters...
Will add a menu permitting to define the internal motion parameters: local
correlation times and order parameters. Equivalent to the env_lipa.g
Hyd. reson. freq...
Define the hydrogen resonance frequency. Equivalent to the OMEGA
Nb of mixing times...
Define the size of the mixing time array. Equivalent to the NB_TMIX
Define mixing time...
Define the value of a given mixing time. Equivalent to the TMIX
List mixing times...
List the mixing time array. Equivalent to the LSTMIX command.
Will add a menu permitting to handle experimental intensities. Equivalent to
the env_inte.g macro.
Output menu
Theo intensities...
Will write to a given output file the theoretical intensities. Equivalent to
the WR_INT command.
Build-up curve file...
Calculate and write to filename the intensities corresponding to the atome
pairs, for which an experimental intensity was read, at the mixing times
defined in the mixing time array. The build-up file looks like a 2D NMR data
matrix, where each column is a build-up curve between a given atom pair. The
file format is binary and can be read by the command READH in Gifa. The order
of the atom pairs is given by the command LSTINTE.
PDB coord file...
Write a PDB coordinate file from the current atom chained list. This button is
equivalent to the wr_pdb macro.
DG file...
Write a Distance Geometry input file from the current interatomic distances.
Equivalent to the macro wr_dg.
Current iteration report
Write a report of the current iteration, giving a list of all atom pairs, for
which an experimental intensity has been read. This output line format is:
res_name1 res_no1,atn1, res_name2, res_no2,atn2,disti, expint,
rate,theoint,dstc, where res_name are residu names, res_no are residu numbers,
atn are atom names, disti is the initial inter-atomic distance, expint is the
experimental intensity, rate, theoint and dstc are the current relaxation rate,
theoretical intensity and interatomic distance.
Calculate the interatomic distances from the experimental intensities, by using
the initial slope approximation: intensity is proportional to the inverse of
the distance sixth power. Write the interatomic distances to the journal
Shows the distance, the relaxation rate and the intensity between a given spin
pair. This button is equivalent to the LOOK command.
Calculation menu
Calculata the theoretical NOE intensities from a PDB coordinate file.
Equivalent to the corma macro.
ROE Intensities...
Calculate the ROESY intensities from a PDB coordinate file. This button is
equivalent to the roesy macro.
Off-ROESY Intensities...
Calculate the off-resonance-ROESY intensities from a PDB coordinate file. This
button is equivalent to the offroesy macro.
NOE Build-up curves...
Calculate and write the NOE build-up curves from a PDB coordinate file. This
button is equivalent to the calcbldp macro.
R factor...
Calculate two R factors and a mean error between theoretical and experimental
intensities. Equivalent to the calc_r command.
Will perform the interatomic distance iterative calculation using the algorithm
proposed in MARDIGRAS. Equivalent to the mardigras macro.
Will perform the interatomic distance iterative calculation using the algorithm
proposed in IRMA. Equivalent to the irma macro.
As you have seen if you have been through the primer, Crowd is an interactive
program : it waits for commands from the user. Some commands have parameters
some don't; some commands may even have a variable number of parameters
depending on some context value (it is a so-called context-dependent
Different kind of commands
There are two kinds of commands in Crowd : regular commands which actually
execute some action (such as CRD2DST for inter-atomic distance calculation from
the atom coordinates), the others are commands which may execute an action but
will also change the value of internal parameters of the program (such as TAUC
for global correlation time). Such commands will be called contexts.
The Crowd program holds all the data in memory. It presents several buffers to
store the differents objects it handles:
PRINT text will display the content of text to the user. ALERT
text displays the text to user in a graphic box. ALERT will work
whenever the graphic has been used once.
Crowd has the capability of reading and writing on ASCII text files.
In permanence, all the input generated by the user, and the output generated
by the program are journaled in a file called crowd.log. This file can be
either kept or removed when exiting the program. At any time the user may
redirect the journaling to another file with the command : CONNECT file_name.
The program will then create a file called file_name where all the journaling
will go. The command DISCONNECT will resume the journaling to the crowd.log
default file, and close the previously CONNECTed file. If the command CONNECT
is issued while a file is already CONNECTed, the former file will closed, and
the new file will be opened.
OPEN CLOSE FPRINT <file_name eof(file_name)
It is also possible to read and write directly into text files. The command
OPEN file_name, will open the file file_name for input or output. The command
CLOSE will close the file. Ten different such files may be opened at once. An
OPENed file may be written with the command FPRINT file_name output. A OPENed
file may be read with the <file syntax (see below). When OPEN is issued on
an already OPENed file, the file is rewound to the first line. The
eof(file_name) function (see below) will have a value of 1 if the end of file
was reached during the last <file_name operation and 0 otherwise.
permits to general info on a specific item. HELP with no arguments gives you
the list of the commands available. (H or ? can also be used).
are the normal exit of the program. These commands ask you whether you want or
not to keep the log file which as been built during the processing and which
contains a copy of all the interactive during the session. This file is called
crowd.log. On UNIX system, be careful to rename it (mv command) before
rerunning Crowd otherwise the saved log file will be erased by the new log
The control C key will abort the process in progress and bring you back to the
prompt level (on most UNIX machines). This may sometime take a few seconds
before executing the abort.
is a context that when set to one will activate the display of elapsed and cpu
time taken by every command. Useful for benchmarking.
These 2 contexts will generate verbose output from macro files.
The SH command will send its parameter to the operating system. For instance
you can type :
cd dir permits to change the current working directory to
dir . Equivalent to UNIX. Note that this is very
different from :
Each command line is composed of a series of "words" separated by blanks. A
word can be a command or a parameter. Words are strictly separated by blanks,
however a word can be of several nature :
Variables can be used in Crowd, this feature is mainly useful when writing
macro commands, however, it can be used at any time in the program. Variable
are set (and created if not yet defined) with the command : SET :
The commands associated to variable handling are :
Internal variables
There are also special variables, not defined in the variable table, which
takes the value of the internal parameters (contexts) of the Crowd program.
These variables can be used, but should never be SET, they should be changed by
using the associated commands. The list is currently :
There is in Crowd a support for the UNIX standard data-base file format dbm. A
dbm data-base is composed of two file : base_name.pag and base_name.dir which
together hold the information of the base_name data-base. Each entry consist of
a field indexed with an access key. Each entry is accessed with the access key.
Data can be retrieve, stored, modified in the data-base. Every operations are
realised on the file, but the disk accesses are minimised.
These two commands permits to associate the dbm file with a pseudo internal
array variable. The command
Expressions can be evaluated in the Crowd program. Expressions should be
enclosed in parentheses. Expressions can use most of the entries found in the
paragraph SYNTAX, at the exception of the special entries : %% ;
<from_file and the pseudo variable $_ .
Liste of functions and operators
The following operators and functions are implemented :
Introduction to the control language
It is possible in the Crowd program to write command files (macros). The macro
is then invoked by the command :
There are several control structures in the Crowd language. They are all
pretty classical, and should not make you any problems.
These 2 commands permits to build a bar showing the progress of the current
command of the form :
Interactive macros
During macro execution, it is possible to get input from the user in several
ways :
Passing parameters to macros
Parameters can be sent to macros when called by following the call with the
parameters to pass; within the macro file, these parameters will be obtain with
the pseudo variable $_. each use of $_ "consume" one parameter on the call
line. If no parameter is available on the calling line, the $_ pseudo variable
will prompt the user directly. The variable $arg permits to test the presence
of a value obtainable with $_.
Examples :
The PRINT command permits to output to the user a string. If you want to show
more than a single line you can always use sh :
It is possible to modify and adapt the user interface within the Crowd
program. The graphic user interface (GUI) is completely built from a simple set
of basic commands which permits to build menus, dialogue boxes, etc...
The command BUTTONBOX creates a new entry in the menu bar, and create the menu
bar for the first time. Parameters of the command are the name of the menu as
it appears in the menu bar, then a list of entries consisting of the name of
the button and the Crowd command associated to it. The lists end with a *. The
special entry separator does not set a button but a separator in the
This command permits to build macros which have exactly the same behaviour
than built-in commands. The macro example
These two commands are closely related.
When an error is encountered, the program stops the execution and resumes to
the user with a specific message. If the error happens during the execution of
a string of commands on a single line, the string is aborted. If it happens
during a macro, the macro is aborted.